Browse Items (4 total)

  • Subject contains "Vallejo, Julius"

Photograph of Julius and Martina Vallejo in Horton Kansas, ca. 1921. Left to right: Julius Vallejo, Martina Morado Vallejo, children James (on chair) Helen, Margaret, and Salvador.

Type: Photograph

Photograph of Julius Vallejo (age 23) with his mother and brother, 1920s. Left to right: Julius Vallejo, Josefa Vallejo, Felix Vallejo.

Type: Photograph

Photograph of the Vallejo family ca. 1934. Julius R. Vallejo (father), Margaret Vallejo Diaz, Helen Vallejo Lopez, Salvador Vallejo, Felix Vallejo, Florence Vallejo, Agnes Vallejo, James Vallejo, Martina Morado Vallejo (mother), Benita Vallejo,…

Type: Photograph

Photograph of the Vallejo sisters, early 1940s, on the occasion of the 35th wedding anniversary of Martina and Julius Vallejo.

Type: Photograph

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