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Left to right: Carl Tutor, Joe Gomez, Charlie Tutor, Ronnie
Tutor, Florence Gomez, Tille Gomez, and Patsy Tutor, ca. 1945.

Maria Mercedes Aguilera stands by the family car dressed for First Holy Communion, Cook's Point, 1940s.
Norberto "Albert" Rodriguez holding daughter Estefania near the boxcars at Holy City, Bettendorf, Iowa, 1925

Otilia Gomez stands in front her home in the Cook's Point barrio in Davenport, Iowa circa 1945. The buckets on her left were used to carry water from the two outside pumps used by residents throughout the year.
From left, Richard (3 yrs.), John (4 yrs.), and Estefania Rodriguez (5 yrs.) in front of their boxcar home in Holy City, Bettendorf, Iowa, ca. 1928.
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