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henry with cesar.jpg
Henry Vargas with Cesar Chavez in 1992 when received the Pacem in Terris award for peace and freedom at St. Ambrose University, Davenport, 1992.

Henry Vargas, a Mexican American boy dressed for First Holy Communion, holding a book in his hand.
Photograph of Henry Vargas, in Davenport, Iowa, ca. 1940

Type: Photograph

Cook's Point, Davenport, 1940s.

Type: Photograph

Newspaper clipping on Anthony and Florence Terronez's community service contributions

Type: Newspaper Clipping

Newspaper clipping on Florence Terronez from The Dispatch and the Rock Island Argus, May 2007, Moline, Illinois

Type: Newspaper Clipping

Biographical information sheet on Florence Vallejo Terronez

Type: Biographical Information

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