Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Fort Madison Iowa showing "Mexican Shanty Town," or the barrio known as "El Cometa," located in the Santa Fe Railroad Yard.
Manuel Macias, Director, David Macias, Asistente. The band played a potpourri of American tunes, European classics and Mexican folk music. David Macias standing far right.
Photograph of some of the early Mexican immigrants who migrated to the Silvis yards to work in the Rock Island Railroad shops. More than half of these Mexican men were recruited by the Macias brothers who taught them music and to play in the musical…
Photographs of David & Manuel Macías, from the state of Zacatecas in Mexico, emigrated to the U.S. in 1914 and 1915 respectively to work in the foundry of the Bettendorf Company.
Basilisa Herrera, known as "Mama Bacha," in her home in Davenport, Iowa. Basilisa left with her son Marcelino, His wife Lupe, and their children. Valerie Ramriez bottom left.