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Newspaper articles about Davenport LULAC Council 10's first Mexican fiesta to support its education scholarship program, September 12, 1959.

Type: Newspaper Clipping

In "!Boicoteo!: Rayo de Esperanza para el Campesino," Ernest Rodriguez connects the farm worker movement for justice led by Cesar Chavez with the struggle to improve the rights of migrant workers employed in Iowa agribusiness.

American G. I. Forum, Minority Coalition, Davenport (MIN-CO).
Proteus, Illinois Migrant Council, Rock Island Arsenal

Union organizer for Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher workmen (AMCBW), 1969-1970; League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC Council 10, Davenport, Iowa); Davenport Human Relations Commission; Iowa Advisory Board to the U.S. Civil Rights…

Chronology of Ernest Rodriguez's activism, 1950s to 1990

Left to right: Herman, John and his son Johnnie, Henrietta (Herman's wife), Cecilia (Richard's wife), and Norberto "Albert" Rodriguez.
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