Browse Items (593 total)

Letter written in Spanish in Mexico and sent to Federico Lopez in Davenport, 1959.

Type: Text

Photograph of the first band of the Silvis Mexican Community, Silvis, Illinois, 1921. Manuel Macias, director, far left; David Macias, assistant director, behind base drum..

Otilia Gomez stands in front her home in the Cook's Point barrio in Davenport, Iowa circa 1945. The buckets on her left were used to carry water from the two outside pumps used by residents throughout the year.

Work assignment and identification cards for Peter Gomez, husband of Otilia Gomez Savala, from 1934-1935 in Cook's Point, Davenport, during the Depression.

Relief notice from the Scott County Welfare Department, Davenport, Iowa

Notice to Work Progress Administration employees regarding improvement in local economy.

Work Progress Administration reassignment slip for Peter Gomez, 1935, in Davenport, Iowa. Peter Gomez worked as a laborer for the streets.

Work assignment for the Scott County Emergency Relief, addressed to Peter Gomez of Cook's Point, Davenport, Iowa, in 1934.

Photograph of the railroad yard in Silvis, Illinois, where many families lived. At its peak, around 400 Mexicans lived in three adjacent areas within the Rock Island railroad yards in Silvis in the Mexican settlement known as La Yarda. The first two…
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